Sand Grouse Water

Sewage Treatment Plants (STP)

Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) units

Membrane Bioreators (Sand-MBR)

Demimineralization (DM) Plants

Advance / Ultra Filtration

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Industrial Wastewater treatment

Recycling/Zero discharge units

Ozonators/Chlorination System


  Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Reverse osmosis separation technology is used to remove dissolved impurities from water through the sue of a semi-permeable membrane. It can also be used to purify liquids in which water is an undesirable impurity (e.g., ethanol). The technology is also very effective at removing bacteria pyrogens and organic contaminants.

Improves taste odor and appearance
The tiny pores of semi permeable membrane are also restrictive to disease-causing pathogens
Prevents scaling in boilers, cooling towers, ketties and coffee makers pathogens.

Pretreatment for biolers
Various industrial units and domestic sectors where treated