Sand Grouse Water

Sewage Treatment Plants (STP)

Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) units

Membrane Bioreators (Sand-MBR)

Demimineralization (DM) Plants

Advance / Ultra Filtration

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Industrial Wastewater treatment

Recycling/Zero discharge units

Ozonators/Chlorination System


  Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) Units

Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) is the process of removing suspended solids, oils and other contaminants via the use of air bubble flotation. Air is dissolved into water, mixed with the wastestream and released from solution while in intimate contact with the contaminants. Air bubbles form, attach to the solids, increase their buoyancy and float the solids to the water’s surface. A percentage of the clean effluent is recycled and super-saturated with air, mixed with the wastewater influent and injected into the DAF separation chamber.

DAF sizing  takes into consideration many criteria for sizing:

     Flow rate
     Water temperature
     Waste characteristics
     Chemical pre-treatment
     Solids loading (LBS/HR/Ft2)
     Hydraulic loading (GPM/FT2)
     Air to solids ratio (LBS of air/LBS of Solids)





Paper Mills

Sugar Mills

Textile Industry

Edible Oils, Food Processing Industry

Soap Industry


Starch Industry

Dairy Industry

Municipalities & Hopitals

Tannery, Slaughter House




Retention Time-Just 3 minutes

Low capital and operational costs

Totally integrated


Space savings and low foundation costs

Simple installation

High chemical efficiency

Low chemical consumption

Continuous self-cleaning

Minimal maintenance

Stable operation

High quality treated clarified water

Superior performance

Easy mobility